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Ke$ha's "Cannibal"

The auto-tuned wreck that is Ke$ha is back with the release of her first EP, “Cannibal”, less than one year after the release of her debut album, “Animal”. Preceded by the number one smash hit “We R Who We R”, and three other promotional singles, the “mini album” does not really showcase anything new or interesting from the artist. As with her debut, some of the tracks on the project are catchy and fun, but lyrical and vocal talent are missing, which does not make for a pleasant experience. The album hits a few highs, but does not do much to deserve many positive critiques.
The “mini album” kicks off with the title track, one that many critics seem to have a problem with. “Cannibal” is a loud anthem about a girl who basically goes through boys like they’re her lunch. The song is catchy, fun, and has a good chorus. However, I do not like the fact that she references Jeffrey Dahmer in the song after saying that her first single was written after the recent gay suicides. She is sending a mixed message which has not pleased many. The album continues with Ke$ha’s second number one hit “We R Who We R”. The track is my personal favorite off the album and I think it is the artist’s best song yet. The chorus has to be one of the best of the year and she delivers the lyrics with a bit of attitude which is nice. Of course auto-tune is present and the repeating of the words can get annoying at times. “Sleazy” is a song that confuses me due to the fact that it is getting so much praise. The song is oddly mixed and the delivery of the lyrics is bland as usual. Some critics have compared the sound of the track to that of Gwen Stefani, and I find that sort of insulting. The vocals heard on this track are ones that do not deserve positive feedback. The song sounds like it was rushed and just thrown onto the record. The track “Blow” should not be classified as anything more than average, but it does make one good party song. The track title does get repeated a hundred times which may annoy some people, but the beat is one that will be sure to get people on their feet. The positive aspect about this song is the production and I think without it the song would have been complete garbage. It does breathe some life into the album, plus it’s just plain fun. Another favorite of mine comes in the form of “The Harold Song”. Though the track is nothing amazing, I do like the fact that the artist is experimenting with a more mature sound, something that was not really present with her debut. The song would be considered a ballad when compared with the rest of the tracks on the album and I think to a certain extent it works. Some emotion finally comes out of Ke$ha and it really is a surprise. Ke$ha needs to hide her voice with loud background beats and production, and on “Crazy Beautiful Life” she does not. However, that does not mean that this song is anything great or different. Ke$ha just runs through the lyrics without changing notes or tone of voice which is really painful to experience. The track is forgetful, enough said. “Grow A Pear” is a track where the lyrics are funny, but that is the only thing that is good about it. With auto-tune present throughout the song, it becomes quite annoying after just a minute or two. The song does not showcase any talent in any way and it starts to become clear that this entire EP is nothing new or interesting from the artist. “C U Next Tuesday”, even though released in 2010, sounds dated. Kesha’s voice is not the greatest thing, but the material here causes her to struggle more than she already does. The auto-tune used on this track was not necessary and it just shows how insecure the artist is with her voice. The song may be a change for the artist, but it is nothing to that deserves applause. The album finishes with the same track that closed out her debut album, but that is far from a good thing. When the song first came out it was far from my favorite, and with “Animal (Billboard Remix)” my opinion about it does not change. If I were to choose between the two, I would pick the original because I feel this version sucks any life the song had. Not a fan of remixes on albums, unless it’s a remix album, but if done right it can work. This is not an example of it working. This new EP falls flat and that was really not a surprise for me. The same tricks are used here as in her debut which was not great either.
“Cannibal” is a standalone album released after Lady Gaga had success with “The Fame Monster”. Ke$ha does not have her own voice here and I feel she is borrowing from other artists to make up for that. The album has an excess use of auto-tune which I personally do not enjoy listening to because it is not the artist really singing. The album fails dramatically, with “We R Who We R” and “The Harold Song” being the only good moments on the entire project. For extremely weak and cheap lyrics, a voice that cannot hit one hit note, and tracks that are disposable, “Cannibal” receives a 65%.

Tracks to Hear: “Cannibal”, “We R Who We R”, and “The Harold Song”

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