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What's Playing? Coming Soon: Absolute Must-See Summer Fun Movies + Trailers


 Photo By: Eva Rinaldi

“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate” Sonnet 18 
By: William Shakespeare

This summer the box office is bigger and better than ever. I can hardly wait to go to the movies. Records will be shattered.

There are so many options. You can choose from a comedy, romance, action, suspense or drama. Let me guide you.

Just because a film has a 9 figured budget, it doesn’t mean it’s worth watching. You must be highly selective in order to reach the Guru level. Remember to watch the movie; don’t let the movie watch you.

Are you ready? Let’s have some fun. Here are my recommendations.

What’s Playing?

Edge of Tomorrow

Edge of Tomorrow starring Tom Cruise is now playing. The movie has an interesting concept. “Live. Die. Repeat.”

Emily Blunt is the lead actress in the movie. She is shaping up to become a top science fiction/ fantasy actress. Who could forget her brilliant performance alongside Matt Damon in The Adjustment Bureau

What is more, Tom Cruise is the default science fiction movie star. His body of work is unbelievable. I will always remember Mission: Impossible III

Cruise and the late great Phillip Seymour Hoffmanshined brightly on the silver screen together. It was impossible to find two bigger and better actors. 

Go see Edge of Tomorrow today. Click play to watch the trailer.