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Random Red

Hi lovelies!

Long time no see! I'm sorry, I had no Easter manicures for you this year. I attempted one, but messed it up and then I just gave up. So here's something from the vault! I meant to post this for a #RedCoatTuesday, but something came up that week and I didn't get around to posting it. And then the season of PLL was over, so no more #RCT posts for a while... I actually have another one lined up, because I didn't realise the season would be over... LOL! So here we go, some random red nails:

The red base is a combination of different red polishes, all with different finishes, dry brushed over a base of Essie "Double Breasted Jacket". This did not come out the way I had meant for it, but oh well, I figured I'd stamp over it and it would look nice anyways. I stamped with BP black stamping polish and BP-L001. Then I sealed it with some top coat.

Next time I should dry brush over white again, but despite the failed dry brush attempt, I still enjoyed wearing this manicure!

What do you think?

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